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King's meet the King!


Principal of King's Leadership Academy Bolton, David Crosby, was invited to attend a celebration event on Friday 20th January to mark the 150th anniversary of Bolton Town Hall.

The invitation only, historic event, was attended by His Majesty King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort brought the town's Victoria Square to a standstill.

Mr Crosby was accompanied by students Emaan, Anas and Eldon (pictured), on the town hall steps for the Royals walkaround before they headed inside to view exhibitions from the opening of the town hall 150 years ago.

Of the day, David Crosby said “We were thrilled to be invited to attend the celebrations to mark the 150th anniversary of the town hall here in Bolton. It was an honour to have been selected to greet His Majesty King Charles III and Camilla, the Queen Consort at the event.”